Sunday Services

Our Sunday services are at the heart of all that we do as a church. We gather together in three locations across the city to worship God together. If you’re looking for a new church or if you’re exploring Christianity for the first time then joining us on a Sunday is the best place to start.

On Sunday mornings at 10am, we have services taking place simultaneously in each of our three locations. The service at each location is led by one of our ministers and we all follow the same order of service with the same hymns and readings. Whilst we are gathered in different locations, we all join together as we listen to the sermon together which is live streamed from one of the three locations each week.

At our 5pm service, people from all three of our morning congregations gather together in our Kelvingrove building.


One Church. Three Locations.

Click on a building for more information about the services and midweek ministries which take place there.


73 Claremont Street, G3 7JB


Evening Service 5.00pm


25 Bath Street, G2 1HW


& Farsi Service 10.00am

Queen’s Park

5 Prince Edward Street, G42 8LU


Tron Kelvingrove, 73 Claremont Street

Tron Central, 25 Bath Street

Tron Queen’s Park, 5 Prince Edward Street


Our mission is to proclaim Christ here in Glasgow, and to the world.

Our church is part of the worldwide family united by the cross of Jesus. Children, students, young workers, families and older saints, from many nationalities and all walks of life — we are all one in Christ Jesus.

Whether you are new to Glasgow, just visiting, or want to explore Christianity for the first time, we’d love you to join us! 



What to expect on a Sunday

A Warm Welcome

Our Welcome Team will be on hand to greet you as you come into the building and they’ll be able to direct you to where you need to go and answer any questions that you might have.

We are a family so before and after the service we like to chat and catch-up with a cup of tea or coffee and encourage each other as we reflect on the service together.

If you’re a visitor with us, we’d love to get to know you so please do hang around after the service for some refreshments and a good chat.

Preaching from the Bible

Our mission is to proclaim Christ here, throughout Glasgow, and to the world. Because of this, we take the Bible seriously, since in it God’s voice is proclaimed and heard today, with clarity and power. So our priority is to open it, and hear him speak, wherever and whenever we can.

Our ordinary pattern is to work through a book of the Bible over a number of weeks. Each week we have a reading of the passage we are going to be looking at and later in the service we’ll listen to an exposition of that passage together.


As part of our gathered worship we sing a mixture of psalms, hymns, and songs to praise God and to encourage and teach one another. We are led in singing by a small group of musicians.

If you are visiting and don’t feel comfortable singing, that’s fine. There will be no pressure for you to join in.


God is a speaking God and He wants us to speak to him as His sons and daughters. We believe that God is sovereign and that He hears and answers our prayers so at a number of points during the service we will be led in prayer by one of our ministers.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Is there a Children’s programme?

    Yes. We run a creche and children’s programme at all of our Sunday services. Children are also welcome to sit with you during the service if you prefer

  • What time should I arrive?

    Our Services start at 10am and 5pm and people tend to arrive 10-15 minutes before the start time. There will be some church members on the door to welcome you from about 30 minutes before the start of the service. Our Welcome Teams will have orange lanyards on to make them easy to spot!

  • Is there a dress code?

    No. There’s no dress code so please just come wearing your ‘normal’ clothes.

  • Will I have to join in?

    During our service we sing together and everyone is welcome to join in but there is no compulsion to join in with this or any other part of our service if you don’t feel comfortable doing so.

  • Will I need to give money?

    No. Most of our church members give directly via the bank and we don’t pass round a collection basket during our services. There are collection baskets available at each service and some of our members choose to give to the work of the church this way but there is no compulsion to do so.

  • Do I need to bring a Bible?

    The Bible is central to all we’re doing together during our Sunday services so having one will be really helpful as you follow along with the reading and preaching. We encourage members to bring their own Bibles but we have plenty Bibles available for visitors. Just ask a member of the welcome team and they’ll be able to give one to you.

If you have any more questions please get in touch with the church office.

tel: 0141 332 2795
